Wherever you live, every member of the community deserves the right to navigate public spaces freely, safely, and with respect, no matter if they are driving, walking, rolling, or taking public transit. Whether individuals are vision-impaired, physically-impaired, or able-bodied, all deserve the right to enjoy the full benefits of their community. Unfortunately, in much of our car-centric culture, this right is not afforded to many.
Centering the lived experiences of people who navigate our streets on foot or on a wheelchair (or other similar mobility devices) is central to Jonathan’s community walk audits.
Hosting such an event is a helpful way to engage various audiences to raise awareness of how your community lacks the infrastructure and systems necessary for individuals navigating without a personal vehicle. These walk audits can focus on a particular intersection, neighborhood, popular pedestrian route, or an entire community. Participants are given the opportunity to assess the built environment, including crosswalks, sidewalks, public transportation elements, and more, all while sharing their personal experiences of navigating spaces hostile to their existence.
For more information, contact Jonathan today!